
I mean, how many times have we seen bridezillas melt down about how it’s THEEEEEIR DAAAAAAY and everyone has to do what they want? It’s, like, the one day of your life where you have the most control over social proceedings. (Maybe childbirth beats a wedding, but not always.) Use that to your advantage to make sure

“hey remember when you got married and killed off half the family with Covid cause you were selfish?  yeah I remember.”


Remember that it’s not just him. He learned from a very young age to keep himself surrounded by ‘ablative followers’; people he could and has sacrificed after placing blame for his own actions on them, which is part of the reason why he kept demanding ‘loyalty oaths’ sworn to HIMSELF, rather than to the office of the

I’m stunned. I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with a ranking of foodstuffs more. I’m especially pleased to see sugar cookies on this list. They’re bland and don’t even have an enjoyable texture. I admit, I make them, but that’s only because they’re especially cooperative when it comes to cookie cutters. But like with

This Aly Raisman/Chris Evans + puppies tidbit has made my week. I don’t care if they actually date or not, in my mind it’s already happening. Also, their dogs are adorable.

Wasn’t Rudy already in charge? DIdn’t he mess up the Four Seasons thing? Speaking of, Larry David would be smart to make that the plot of a future CYE episode.

Could someone please pass around the memo about not using the picture of Carrotface von Golfcart hugging the flag in articles about him? It turns my stomach to have to see it.

He can’t afford actual real “good” lawyers anymore and even if he could few if any legitimate law firms want to be associated with a flailing con artist with a lengthy track record of not paying his bills.

As soon as he’s done tucking in his pants he and Jared are on it!

My partner says you can always tell when trump has given up on something by the fact that he puts Giuliani in charge of it.

Anybody thinking Big Baby Cheezus could pull off a “coup” is deluding themselves, dude is lazier than shit and intimidated by stairs

Deep State, something, something, conspiracy, PIZZA GATE!

We shouldn’t have to pay. They owe us. We have a right to all the perp walk witnessing. Yes?

Back in the day, I became a starred commenter on Gawker because of my comments on those recaps! I only watched GG for 1 season, but I read those recaps for the entire run of the show because they were brilliant. I still remember laughing at Serena and her “vanilla-pudding-bone dancing.”

Yeah...if they like you they try to fuck you.

Love the name! Reminds me of a friend’s story about a trip to the gyno. A quick spritz of a ‘vaginal deodorant spray’ before she went. Then the doctor looked at her funny. Turned out she’d accidentally grabbed the can of glitter body spray.

Wow, in that pic, I thought Tiffany was a mannequin. Okay, I mean sex doll.