
IDK if I believe it’s been centuries...

Ah! But it’s an easy question when you refuse to tell the truth.

That one struck me too. The way he was so mocking about it, it just reinforced what we already knew but is nonetheless still shocking to see—Trump and followers of Trumpism not only don’t have compassion or empathy, they literally don’t understand those concepts.

Also horrible: when he was asked about people worrying their health was at risk living in oil industry hazardous zones and his response was about how well they were paid. Joe’s answer that the money didn’t matter and you had to take care of your people was perfect.

I don’t think Trump knows what a kitchen table is or how it’s figuratively and often literally the family gathering place for conversation, information sharing and bonding. If that’s what he really said, that’s kind of a huge deal imo, that he can’t even relate to most people on such a basic, cross-class, cross-cultura

Lazy-ass Donald Trump. The man probably has more tree sloth DNA than human DNA.

Yes! Pets, please!

I know I have a picture somewhere of Cat-purr-nicus and Marie Puur-ie

I know, I just thought the youngsters here would go “Who?”. 

Hey Trump, I thought you were supposed to grab the pussy not be a pussy.

Dude is so young, he made a necklace out of his baby teeth.

They sent Tiffany.

“Oh, election simulation!” —Jeffrey Toobin

I’m guessing it involved Penis: Having One. 

“Do you advocate herd immunity?”

Fauci is wrong about Trump. Deep down, Trump believes in nothing. He does whatever he does to benefit himself. He is President Id.

The girl.

What will be “fun” is seeing the look on her face when she finds out that Waddles left Ivanka everything.

There is just something so very wrong with our system in that the best way to get way with crimes is to hold the highest office in the country. And the thing is, it’s not even a law that a president can’t be prosecuted, just a “policy.” Why is no one willing to break the policy?