This dirtbag has more Whos? than The Grinch.
This dirtbag has more Whos? than The Grinch.
Yep, that chin says it all. Ivanka, Uday and Qusay all have the same chin. The seed is strong.
Reminds me of an episode of Weekend Update on SNL where Colin Jost called Trump “the man to blame for the bottom half of all his kids’ faces”.
He’s got the mouth , too.
Were there any videos of Cain though? Wasn’t he hospitalized the entire time and all of these were reports from his people? I just think it’s a waste of energy to dwell on all these theories while Trump is clearly doing better than Cain was (I mean, he’s clearly not 100%, but I just don’t think he will be kicking the…
When I found out that Fauci says thanksgiving gatherings should be canceled I cried tears of joy. This man is my hero.
Funny, I thought the top half looked more like Ivanka...
Yep, the genes for that chin are strong AF and he got it. My dad is about 5 inches taller than both of his parents, Melania might have some tallness in her family history somewhere that Barron got.
“What, you’re telling me it’s not just the blacks but the chinese too?”
Yeeeeeaaah, the tone that whole passage is written in does not sit well. At all.
I’ve been ducking in and out of the Barrett hearing news—my sanity can only take so much—but my impression is that she has all but refused to actually answer a single question of consequence. Am I off base? I feel like she wouldn’t even commit to a favorite color on the record.
It’s stupid and I hate it.
Yeah, COVID is no biggie:
Honestly, if the far-left sits this election out to protest that Bernie Sanders is not the presidential nominee and *never* *ever* will be, then I’ve lost all respect for them, and their movement is a farce. If you say you believe in something but are unwilling to vote for politicians who would help make those things…
So here we are again a few weeks out from election day, being treated to daily pieces about how his campaign is imploding, and he’s basically already lost. It’s not that I don’t believe that’s probably true. But shit, I have a horrible sense of deja vu. Am I alone in that? I am way too fucking terrified to be…
I’d go with a cosmonaut suit, make Pence think that she’s on his team.
“Opening comments, you first, Senator Harris.”
Also, the media has been pointing out that he’s obese every 15 minutes for the past 72 hours. There’s no way Trump would consent to a plan that involved the media talking about how old and fat he was so often for days on end.
To all you conspiracy people who think Trump is playing 3d chess and pretending to have Covid to garner sympathy, I say thee nay.