Chief Wiggum, P.I.

I think the reason it matters if it’s a priority not just an issue where they agree is that Republicans are so actively attacking reproductive rights across the country. The President isn’t voting on legislation but rather helping lay out goals and national priorities, so for many of us it’s important to vote for

The problem with this is many of us like and support the Democratic establishment. Many of us donate money to that establishment. Some of us worked for or volunteer for that establishment. That “establishment” is Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List, LGBT groups and unions. This outsider nonsense drives me crazy. “Hey,

I know, what gall to run as a Democrat when all she’s done is fight for the party and what it stands for for decades

Full (of fluids) House
Indiff’rent (because there is no feeling down there anyway) Strokes
Silver Spoons (for Hef’s feedings)
Saved By The Defibrillator

I’m glad you explained because I don’t think we disagree as much as I thought. I don’t think the issue is the viewers not experiencing the getting of consent from those they’re viewing, I think it’s that what they are viewing makes consent seem like it’s a given, which is a vile and dangerous message that is all too

I just want to shake conservatives so much. This is the guy you hate. THIS GUY. He’s the coolest, funniest president most of us have ever seen, he and his wife are an amazing couple who look so much in love, he is a great father. THIS GUY IS YOUR VILLAIN? Yeah, it’s totally rational and never about race

The result of your comments is I am on minute 5 of a hug with my daughter, and it may not end any time soon. My daughter saw what I was reading (your truly touching words) and now she won’t let go of me- and I’m not exactly encouraging her to stop. Daughters are the best

Like any performer they are giving consent to the general audience to observe their work.

His criminal actions led to her being unable to work, plus you know if it turned out to be untruethat he’d sue her for lost wages, so I say she gets his money. Now instead of being a war machine he can be a change machine

I will say this though, with the group that normally considers buying clothes off a porn site (who knew that was a thing?) you would need to meet them half way. Something that isn’t too preachy but still is on message, but that they could wear in front of fellow dudebros. I would think a couple different styles, one

I don’t know how well he’s paid (don’t follow MMA) but I’d love to see her get the equivalent of her lost wages from him (on top of him getting prison of course). I understand your impulse to want something positive to come out of this for her given what was done to her, and I am fine with her including herself, if it

I don’t agree that raising funds through any means necessary is the nature of fundraising for non-profits, if it was then Planned Parenthood would have a porn site for extra income. They care about credibility and not tainting their message, though I wouldn’t argue pornhub or Mack have message credibility to worry

Except I’m glad you do, you are making important points and I’m glad you won’t be shouted down. Arousal is a weird and complex that can take a long time to explore and understand, and the last thing people need is society shaming them. I’m so tired of reading that a woman wanting to be handled roughly is only because

I think the issue for me is if they want to say it’s a way of supporting important organizations that’s fine, but don’t say it’s about raising awareness in anyway. It’s about tricking guys into supporting a great cause they might otherwise not, which is fine, but don’t try to say you’re raising awareness when in

I’m with you, I always end up imagining Joker handing out duties to his henchmen, like “Henchman 1, you will plant explosives under Gotham’s largest bridge. Henchman 2-6 come with me heavily armed, Henchman 7, I want you to lay out these candles and weapons in a perfect circle for me to have a maniacal laughing fit in

It makes people white and crazy, so...GOP plan to increase their numbers? It’s like a new southern strategy!

They you may love the follow-up, about how during World War II we loved the Japanese-Americans so much that we sent them all to sleepaway camps

“The African-American families had no heat and were so very, very cold. Luckily, a group of hooded men on horseback came and started fires in front of their houses to warm them, using wood they had brought themselves!”

I also like Webb for Veterans. I just love the idea of someone truly pro-union getting in St Labor, it’s such a tenuous time for unions right now

Commenting in threads like this makes me realize how much of my brain’s memory is devoted to tv and movie quotes. Then I wonder how much smarter I could be if I used it for something else, like to be better at math, or what skill I could master. Then someone walks into my office and asks where petty cash is and I