Chief Wiggum, P.I.

Will he be hanging out with Gumbercules, he loves that guy!

Master of None is so good and clever, Aziz did not disappoint

So he’s the movie’s real villain?

Single Female Lawyer/ Fighting for her client
Wearing sexy mini-skirts and being self reliant

Hedonism-bot: The Series

I agree Netflix provides an interesting format and gives a freedom to really push boundaries that I think is reminiscent of what cable offered compared to networks, or HBO compared to ordinary cable

I am a big fan of Groening and can quote both shows more than a human being should be able to quote a tv show, but as great as he is I think Futurama was really as strong as it was because of David X. Cohen. The man is (literally) a geniusand I hope will be involved in whatever he is up to

2 fast 2 futurous

I actually really like how Futurama went out. It had really strong episodes that were smart, creative and poignant- crap, am I changing my own mind?

How much I’d love to see the reaction of him, in a Clinton administration, appointed to Secretary of Labor

I don’t think she would settle for second, not again. Last time was different because it was so historic, and while as a Jew I might be brought to tears by a Sanders win because I never thought it possible, but I don’t think she could stomach the idea of having to look 4-8 years down the line

Yeah, like trump admitted he was saving the birther stuff until Cruz was doing well, they’re just waiting until Rubio is doing well enough to be worth using it

4 scotches were not enough to make them sound reasonable, hopefully the wine helped.

How many had and of what? There is the thread within a thread: how drunk is everyone and on what?

My wife has left the room three times, that was one of them. It’s her own fault for trying to watch this without a drink; I offered her wine. Good wine

Much as I appreciate Carson not taking the bait on the Clintons, I found it funny hearing him say the hate in comments sections doesn’t have any Judeo-Christian roots, when some of the UGLIEST comments are angry, right wing religious types.

A group of candidates is pretty bad when John Kasich sounds the most reasonable by that much

Can we put a dome over South Carolina, like right now?

I think the republicans have assembled probably the most punchable field ever

I hear you, I have a double in my hand and a dvr’d episode of Arrested Development to flip to when I just can’t take it anymore. I find I don’t have the stomach to just watch straight through