Chief Red Crow

I still don't quite understand the outrage about Hydra Cap since these types of stories have been so ubiquitous in superhero comics history and I do think Spencer is trying to do smart, political Cap comics. However, if you think the comic is bad, that's one thing; if it offends you that Cap is a fascist, I can

I agree. I honestly love a lot of the digressions he indulges with new side-characters. The Greyjoys are my favorite bunch (unfortunately we're not getting Euron, Aeron or Victarion in the show, it seems), for example. For every one that hits the mark, though, there is another that's a slog to get through.

Literally no one was asking for this. I really hope the Russo's haven't walked away from Infinity War, but maybe it's for the best. I don't think many directors have more than a couple good franchise movies in a row in them. The third (or, god help us, fourth, fifth and sixth (ach-PeterJackson-chooo!)) movies always

I had a cranky tone in that post that was exacerbated by drink and sleepiness, so I deserve some pushback. I just don't understand all the people fighting to reclaim it as some kind of flawed masterpiece. I think it's okay for me to rail against stuff I don't like on the internet, right? Isn't this a good place for

You know what? I was a little drunk and being a turd. I'm sorry. It's okay to like stuff I don't like. Do you prefer the Assembly Cut?

I honestly don't care if he ignores the sequels or not. The Alien3 apologists have formed a kind of consensus in recent years that it's a somewhat-flawed work of auteurism on the level of A L I E N or Aliens, but that's bunk. Whatever the movie might have been had Fincher been left to his own devices, it's thoroughly