
"Hey silhouette with the accent who loathes me - how's this suit look? I will assume tremendous!"
"Dah. Eet looks fine."

He's just giving people derogatory nicknames based on their vague hazy silhouettes.

I once worked with a far-right asshole (misogynist, homophobe, Christian fundie, the whole 9 yards) who loved 300. And when I say "loved" 300, I mean he had shirts and action figures (prominently displayed on his desk!) and he wedged it into conversation whenever possible.

Get a job Internet!

I don't think Jake has the gravitas of his father.
And Eric Trump needs gravitas.

Kaitlin Olson is inspired casting.
"God damnit Donald!"

Michael Cera as Baron Trump.

Thank the gods for overly confident mediocre white guys?

Unfortunately huge swaths of the public have no attention span and are stupider.

Does anyone else find it sad that Donald Trump Jr. apparently has no identity outside of his father? He couldn't be Don Trump. He couldn't be Donnie Trump. He couldn't do John Trump (his middle name).
I get the impression that his dad was like "You will always ask to be referred to as Donald Trump Jr. When someone

The Media: "Trump Jr met with Russian spies to get illegal information on Hillary Clinton's campaign."
The White House: "Trump Jr didn't do that."
Trump Jr: "I did that and I loved it!"

This and presidential policy?

He already drives his golf cart on to the greens.
$50 says he's like Mr. Burns playing golf - he fancies himself as a world-class golfer, but there is a Smithers somewhere rampantly cheating for him to preserve his fragile ego.

There is plenty of room for some outreach towards blue collar workers and such, but large parts of his die-hard base are unreachable. They grew up on a steady diet of Ronnie talking about welfare queens and talk radio and are now lost causes.
We also all need to pledge to smack any of the moron liberals who

Trump doesn't believe in exercise of any kind.
He believes that the human body has a finite amount of energy and exercising wastes said energy.
Its been told he actively avoid stairs for this very reason.
Note: This is not a joke. He has shared this world view numerous times.

Reagan too was just a sad old man with dementia and we're still dealing with the economic and philosophical bullshit he spewed.
His followers eat this shit up. They don't believe in any particular philosophy or policy - they just believe in making people angry for the sake of making them angry.

"The slim lazy Sean Spicer you knew is dead. Now I'm a big fat dynamo!

I grew up in Pittsburgh and I'm, honestly, pissed that even 20% of the people would vote for Trump.
The GOP has spent the last 40+ years doing everything they could to undermine unions and push "free trade". Now these weren't the only reasons the steel industry failed (non-union micro plants in the south, coupled with

Robert Downey Jr: One, Iron Man needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Iron Man's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Iron Man"? Three—