Chief Justice McReynolds

Even if millennials are less interested in traditional home ownership, more housing will drive down rents and hopefully spur saving.

Oh good, now we can start dueling pun threads.

Russell’s always had supreme assists with this Thunder squad.

Once everyone cottons on to the fact that this wasn’t a big deal, we can quit gossypium-ing and get back to work.

But he didn’t mean it weevilly.

It’s probably because of licensing agreements unfortunately; I know photos are a big expense for sites like this, the more generic are probably cheaper.

Just wait until the marching band kids roll in with their combat fifes; the shooter won’t stand a chance.

For some reason, Jim Tomsula’s press conference plea asking Aldon Smith to get help after another DUI really stuck with me; I wish he had been able to.

Well actually that’s an Economic Anxiety Cry.

I’m guessing some of this is covered by the fighters’ presumed arbitration agreements anyway.

Nah, pretty reasonable to ask especially when thinking about calculating damages.

With $85 million in the bank and even vaguely competent estate planning/wealth management to protect against creditors he shouldn’t have to fight again ever. This is Conor McGregor so he’ll probably double down and demand a civil trial by combat or something instead, but it won’t be because he’s flat broke.

“Obviously” is doing a lot of work in your last statement! Clearly the doctor lied, I just don’t understand why, and think there must be a backstory or this can’t be an isolated incident. It was a bizarre choice for him to consent to actively seek to register his DNA, but then again nothing about his “medical

That’s really neat that it matched you so accurately and quickly!

But did your dad and various family have to consent to a mutual registry kind of thing when they sampled their DNA? Or do firms maintain a database of DNA from other sources? The whole consumer genetic testing concept is sort of cool and scary all at once!

I mean sure, the lawsuit alleges that, and it’s pretty wild! Almost like the doctor lied repeatedly, a parent lied, the allegations aren’t entirely correct, or some combination of those. Love the shitty snarky attitude though!

How did a DNA test mention the obstetrician by name as a match?! like half the people involved are lying here, right?

The medicine’s free, but Buzzfeed gets to publish “Seven Times this Lady’s DNA Made Us LOL” and afterwords you’ll get ads targeted at specific gallstones until you die.

I read that as suggesting Pham’s salary is relatively low because he didn’t get the opportunities to prove he deserved more during the past few seasons. This definitely read at first like a story about the team manipulating service time in the majors, but in the end it doesn’t seem like it!

LOL Candace Owens getting mad online at a high school kid for “mercilessly going after someone’s advertisers.”