Chief Justice John Jay

I have been an unapologetic lifelong fair weather Cubs fan. I haven’t had any reason to get excited about baseball for most of my life. Let me have this.

What I don’t understand is why so many people are scared of the possibility of Trump, specifically, deciding not to respect the result. He has zero power or even technical authority to install himself in power, or to prevent control from being passed to Clinton. It would be a serious threat for an incumbent president

I don’t know if I could call this against the spirit of the Infield Fly Rule, since the rule specifically excludes line drives, which are inherently harder to field. This discrepancy in risk when fielding a fly ball verses a line drive is why the rule distinguishes between the two and only concerns itself with the fly

One person’s “bribe players with cash to play somewhere” is another person’s “pay someone what they can earn on the open market.”

What is it with announcers having no clue? “He was an eligible receiver” It doesn’t matter, because it was a lateral...

Anytime I read lists like this about weddings it makes me happy that my wife and I have so few fucks to give.

You know, this is the first time I’ve ever thought to myself “I’d really like to see them throw an excessive celebration for this”

Racing ain’t exactly rocket science. All you’re doing is constantly controlling the loads imparted on a 1-ton mass moving at 200 mph, with inertial transfer against the frame defined in three axes through spring rate and shock dampeners, all to ensure that transient G-loading on the tire carcasses do not adversely

#3 is bigger than most people realize. What other sport keeps its highlights under lock and key? Boxing.

Limited to your example (and not the science of swimming as a whole which I know nothing about), if the river current was 4MPH, and they swam downstream at 5MPH , they’d swim 9 miles in an hour. Turning upstream, they’d make back 1 mile in the next hour.

I’m only defending him and the other US swimmers because it seems ridiculous that Brazil should try to retain them in their country when they seemingly did nothing wrong and if anything, appear to be victims of a crime.

Or trouble as in this exact situation