
Unfortunately, Texas has just as much of a problem with electricity transmission as it does with power generation. Tesla will be our provider once our current contract expires, but unless they’re planning on competing with one of the utilities in electricity transmission (not possible since the utilities are legal

Agreed on all points except Yoruck’s casting. He’s annoying, whiny, and unbelievably stupid, but that’s exactly how Yoruck came across to me in the comic. He nails the “of all the guys in the world, why did this one survive” impression perfectly. Just gotta love to hate him.

It wasn’t worth the experience. I think people just keep saying “the cinematic experience is irreplaceable” because they keep hearing everyone else say it.

I really, really, don’t get the whole “this needs to be seen in movie theaters” perspective. I watched it today in a theater because I couldn’t do it from home and I didn’t want the internet to ruin it for me (and with Bond’s death at the end, it’s DEFINITELY going to be ruined), and it felt like watching any other

So the TVA, an organization created by a human variant and run by humans with wiped minds, exists out of space and time, but The Watcher, a cosmic being who watches all of the multiverse like it’s TV, does not exist outside of space and time?

I’m interested in how they square “infinity stones don’t work in the TVA” with “if you have all of the infinity stones you can do whatever you want in the multiverse or in the interstitial area where The Watcher lives.”

I think the latter half of your comment is a bit of a reactionist take. If any half of the human population died suddenly, things would certainly fall apart for those left over for a while. So far, we’ve only seen the first three weeks.

The Iron Man snap scene is in the latest episode featuring Kilmonger. But maybe it’ll show up again.

There was an alleged leak of the plot on Giant Freaking Robot. I won’t get too much into it just in case it turns out to be spoilers, but it suggests that this take may be the correct one.

While I think there’s a storytelling issue with showing character “growth” being achieved by falling in love with one’s self, I don’t see the moral panic here. Even if they are siblings, they’re two consenting adults. Who are we to judge their life choices?

I think Kang’s point was that either (a) Loki and Loki would take over and maybe something different would happen, or (b) everything he already knew would happen, happens, and “he” ends up asking another Loki pair to make the same choice in a billion years.

You lost me at “Hera as the best star wars animation character ever.” She’s...fine. I wouldn’t even say she’d win in her own show. Chopper (more confirmed kills than any single named character in Star Wars) and Sabine (created a weapon specifically designed to kill her own people by accident) both had more heart and

I couldn’t even find a gift shop trinket with my name on it IN THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN for my name. So I feel your pain.

If I have to choose between another Purge movie and another Fast and Furious sequel, I’m going with the former. The latter lost its spirit when it stopped being about poorly depicted car racing, whereas this series has ALWAYS been about people murdering each other because they can. The quality of the films may not be

I think it worked so well because everyone watching who hadn’t forgotten that they’re the same person was thinking the same thing. There’s no better way to show the complete non-growth of a narcissistic character than by having them genuinely fall in love with themselves. It’s the kind of fridge-logic that TV shows

Based on what Sylvie said, it doesn’t seem like it takes the TVA long at all. She mentioned that as soon as she popped up anywhere, it sent a smoke signal to the TVA because she wasn’t supposed to be there. So it seems like there’s some truth to what the TVA is saying - otherwise, it’s just some gigantic illusion.

Holy shit. I actually liked the Riddick movies in a “this is a story I made up in my head when I was a kid” kind of way. I didn’t even know there was a third movie. How did I miss that???

I’ve been playing a lot of Assassin’s Creed: Origins again, and goddamn I’m going to be mixing my mythologies now. Ancient, advanced civilizations? Powerful individuals who were confused for gods? Golden lines floating through the air? It’s got all the hallmarks of a good AC game.

I read the guidance and I trust the CDC - just like I trusted them when they said to wear a mask. I’m ok with no longer wearing a mask, because there will never be a more clear-cut finish line with this pandemic. I’m also ok with people who want to keep wearing a mask until the end of time. Your face, your decision.

I read the guidance and I trust the CDC - just like I trusted them when they said to wear a mask. I’m ok with no longer wearing a mask, because there will never be a more clear-cut finish line with this pandemic. I’m also ok with people who want to keep wearing a mask until the end of time. Your face, your decision.