
Remember when Sanders accomplished any governmental initiative he’s ever pushed for?

Although I was familiar with Diego Luna first from Rogue One, it’s odd to now hear this man who I’ve come to see as a ruthless drug lord discuss his obsession with touching Jabba the Hutt’s belly.

I’m with you. I waited in line for 2 hours and 45 minutes and voted for her. Everyone I know who liked her didn’t vote for her because they didn’t think she’d win and, alas, she didn’t win because no one voted for her. A friend of mine actually said that she wouldn’t vote for Warren because her politics were “too

It’s easier to go to a rally than it is to register to vote, it seems. Plus, you can’t take selfies in the polling booths.

I don’t understand the US electorate. Sanders had a heart attack before primary voting even started, and people think that’ll just be ignored in the general election by this trash president and his trash supporters. Last time around they were giving Hilary shit about being unfit to run because she coughed after a

I’m sorry, this was written down somewhere? Were there pictures? Because if not...

I, too, was dissatisfied that Lube Man’s identity was never revealed. However, I really hope there’s no second season. In our current TV age of overturning every stone and running every great story into the ground, it’d be refreshing if, for once, good enough was just left alone. There needs to be some mystery left in

i think you’re seeing my argument as an overall rejection to your comment. I am only responding to your first point, that maybe he was dumb enough to think that tomatoes grew on trees or that the game warden was the smartest being he could conceive of. I agree that he may not be wise. Perhaps also that he might be

Uh...I’m not so sure your first point holds much water. The guy was a nuclear physicist BEFORE he gained omniscience. He’s not dumb - he just doesn’t care and he can do whatever he wants.

Elon was right. This thing is definitely not for everybody.

I’m glad I didn’t have to be the one to point this out. But there was a satellite monitoring him, so someone will see it sooner or later.

When I sit on the aisle, I stand. I am taller than the average person, and have had knee surgery. And thanks to the asshole in front of me, I have had someone’s entire upper body weight pressed against my knee as it flexes the entire flight. That means that by the time the plane lands, my right knee is usually in a

This is a good idea in theory, but when not when I start to think about it. determined by partisanship these days. I’ll give an example, not at all based in reality or real people:

When they were first talking about this back in 2014-15, I don’t recall a single Marine below the rank of colonel thinking this was a good idea. It’s unfortunate that this is one of the things we’re choosing to spend our money on.

Dammit. I had this idea a year ago. Except for my version, they’d be semi-permanent and make money by charging rent to grocery stores and movie theaters - the type of places people hang out in for more than 15 minutes, and that would benefit from patronage from the type of consumer that can afford an EV. Too bad I

Not to be pedantic, but being pedantic, Will’s father fought in WW1, not WW2. The leaflet drop scene is before the Tulsa massacre, which took place in 1921.

God, that thing is ugly. From the rear it looks like a store brand Model 3. From the front it looks like I’m looking at a four door Veloster out of my bad eye. Good on them for going electric but Jesus, they should’ve started with an F-150. This thing is hideous.

Damn, if I weren’t holding out for an electric bike, I’d be first in line for that Streetfighter. My last one was the best bike I’ve ever owned - probably would’ve crashed it by now if I hadn’t sold it though.

Redfordations seems to me like a play on Obamacare. “Obamacare” was originally a derogatory name for the Affordable Care Act, a healthcare plan advanced by the first black president, although it has since transitioned into popular usage. The original users of the term “Obamacare” could claim that part of the

Most replies are talking about flash drives, which I am not savvy on. But I will reply to this point: