E. Buzz Killer

Brady’s case is exacerbated by the fact that he got genuinely fucked over by the NFL for deflating footballs.

EXACTLY. I don’t know when the “I don’t need no stinkin’ expert” phenomenon began and I can only hope it’ll reach its zenith soon, but I wish people would even consider the notion that a layperson cannot correctly assess everything. If you are even remotely familiar with diagnostic criteria, let alone discerning it in

“I’m not a doctor or a psychiatrist but I’ve spoken with Natalia and I believe her. If you’re asking me if I think she is 30, that’s ridiculous.

Here’s my ms paint 2-minute artistic representation.

I’m glad the Twitter feed you linked is picking up on something that I haven’t been able to unsee since it was pointed out to me.

There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So

Gladwell has made an absolute killing by writing “Maybe just trust your gut” to boomers who just wanted confirmation bias that everything they think is right anyway.

Also, you don’t need a PhD to understand child rape/molestation. Paterno was a force and an institution at Penn State. He didn’t do that by being a kindly

Simmons: Right.

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Oh it’s guaranteed, this shit is Randy Moss all over again.

Andrew Luck 2012: *Takes a sack* Great job, man. Insane hustle. You really got me.

Andrew Luck 2019: You even just look at the ceiling and wish you could stop existing? Like, not die, but just POOF and cease being altogether. Maybe it’s nothing but motionless, soundless black. Complete emptiness. Nothingness. But it’s

This is a fine typo. Have a star!

Still not as big of a pussy as Jim Spanfeller is, amirite?!?!?

Actually, isn’t the city’s biggest celebrity a fictional character from a movie?

I have driven an hour+ to take some.

Well, I mean, other that that five-year stretch they just came out of where they had the best record in baseball over that time...

It makes me very happy to peer into my garage gym and ruminate on how assembling everything in there cost about as much as 3 months of a Crossfit or fancy gym membership. Sometimes, when I’m really feeling frisky, I’ll even grab a rag and wipe off some of the dust.

So what if he tried to hit Hyde?  He’d have like an 81.7% chance of missing anyway.

You spoiled the end of GoT with your username. Hypocrite.

Look, headlines and lead images that spoil things within a week of their release are bad, but great shit, this is 2019. You should be able to tell when a post is openly discussing plot by this point before it actually talks about significant points. And it’s not a 60 hour video game- it’s a movie! Go watch the thing