that’s a jerk-off station
that’s a jerk-off station
I don’t think you’re quite getting it.
I think he means it SHOULDN’T BE talking about politics, because racism and bigotry shouldn’t be political points to be debated, let alone major campaign planks.
Come on now. Both sides refers to ESPN brass and Dan Le Batard. Try harder.
Oh, Mr. Rogers, by far. Tom Hanks is great and a national treasure, but Mr. Rogers practically raised a couple generations of us.
Man takes flight - 1903
LeBatard is odd because when it is stupid, it is hilariously stupid. However, when Dan wants it to be profound, it is that as well. It’s paradoxically both the dumbest and smartest sports radio show in America. It’s also the only self aware one.
LeBatard is one of the few good ones ( and pretty much the only listenable thing on ESPN). He's up the with Dallas's Dale Hansen in just "getting it".
This is all so true, and if he ever did get fired, he could take Stu and the entire shipping container, start somewhere else, and be just as popular as now because his show transcends ESPN. They don’t need ESPN as much as ESPN needs them.
I absolutely love Le Batard, because he gets it. His show with Stugotz is stupid, irreverant, and not at all serious. Just like Sports. They understand that none of this stuff actually matters, and they give sports news all of the respect that it has earned, which is to say none at all. Instead they have fun, because…
LeBatard is one of the most consistent, entertaining voices at ESPN. Suspending him would only confirm and reinforce everything he said.
No, the tragedy of modern American politics is that one party is led by white nationalists and the other is led by spineless idiots convinced that the white nationalism is a phase and not the end result of 50 years of policy.
You see, this is why I’m moving on from Deadspin and their constant focus on politcs and heading more and more over to the Ringer where they are talking about the things that really matter to me as a sports fan like which Rom-Com from 2003 holds up the best.
I’ll mark you down for a 2 on that one.
“Stick to sports!”
I’m an old person so I’d have to Google most of those terms but what I think you’re saying is “Man murdered teenager. Man took graphic pictures of dead teenager and posted to social media as trophy. Man’s followers and public media began victim shaming dead teenager”.
I’m not making blanket statements about “boxing history” or including legendary defensive fighters like Willie Pep or others, but in my lifetime of watching boxing, Whitaker was the best defensive fighter I ever saw. Floyd was a close second, and no one other than Floyd was even in the same stratosphere. As others…
Thank you. That’s literally all I was doing, was trying to avoid spoilers.
After reading the comments, I feel like this review needs to link to a “Spoiler Space” post where people can discuss the “new context” this documentary provides in detail so people stop getting hung up on why you didn’t lay out the entire documentary in this review. I’m glad you didn’t spoil it though... it seems like…