
It reminds me of the wide open design of the TARDIS that was in the Fox movie from the 90s that began with Seven and ended with Eight sitting in his comfy chair with a cup of tea and reading H.G. Wells "The Time Machine."

Except for Cold Blood, where he gets erased from history, the real Rory doesn't actually die in Amy's Choice, Curse or the Doctor's Wife. At least, according to my reading of their pages on Wikipedia.

She would also have the record of the companion whose died the most times. Having been killed by electrocution, coming close to death fighting the Monks and now getting shot, she beats the previous record held by Adrick, who only died once on board the spaceship that crashed into Earth and took out the dinosaurs.

You're way off. Think smaller and more legs.

Yes, that is a decent theory. But if I remember correctly the point of view of the camera would be of someone on their knees. Don't know if any of Negan's men were in that position or were that close to Rick and the others while he was doing his "eenie, meenie, minee, moe" choosing.

Woo, woo, woo!!! I call PC on you!!!

Not having scrolled through all the comments, I don't if this point had been made by others.

I thought it was a reference to the race war had by the half-white/ half-black aliens from the original Star Trek.

Were this to happen, one would expect Lord Bolton and his pregnant wife to shortly meet with an unfortunate accident that would make Ramsey "first of his name" of the House Bolton. :-)

Given that potential chaos in the capital and the literal and political immaturity of the King, were I Stannis, I would make a deal with the Boltons, letting them have Winterfell and the North, in order to make a mad dash to King Landing and seize the Iron Throne before winter finally comes and freezes everyone into