
I think right now what is really fueling change and action is the fact that I’m paying someone and by the time I see them again there needs to be some progress -like a life coach sort of thing (I cannot be wasting time AND money!)

lol. yeah I remember that. Oh and the going from warm car to the cold outside and not having to slay

This sounds like my friendship with my high school best friend. She was dating a loser who was uninteresting and overly opinionated on the most banal subjects. He also cheated on my friend. Made her think she was the reason he got kicked out of college. Persuaded her to move to another state where he could get

I did it nearly 2 years ago. I cannot EVEN with contacts and my sisters wedding was coming up so I decided to geterdone. I was a little nervous because I went all alone but seriously it’s so quick it’s amazing. I did it on a friday and went to work like normal on Monday. It’s totally worth it, I see perfectly and

So I’m going to a hypnotherapist—don’t judge me! everyone has their journey and mistakes to make— to get over my anxiety and also lose weight (there’s a connection obvs). I’ve only gone to 2 sessions. The first time the therapist explained how the stories i repeat in my head have made me hardwire my brain to thinking

Yeah. I didn’t know what to wear and it was too late to make a pussy hat so I just threw on my Halloween costume and made that sign

my sign from today

Pershing square Los Angeles. I had to take a couple of breaks because the suit got hot but it was so fun.