
So no one can be shot anymore if we just repeal the second amendment? At that point do all murders stop or just the gun ones? Then we’ll probably have to put something in place about homemade bombs. After that we’ll need to take care of all of the “stabby” items. If we get enough laws out there making these things

You must be from a different Detroit than me............

That comment lets me know you’re part of the problem. You don’t want change, you want compliance. That’s a dangerous path no matter what your beliefs are. 

So are you saying I’m a retard? lol
Throttle back, Turbo. I didn’t mean to trigger you.

The FUCK you are talking about. They CHANGED IT. Slow your roll there, Turbo.

She’s not part of his administration. So if someone refuses to listen, we should just give up? Great plan. I guess you and I are done talking forever since I’m not listening. No reply necessary.

Seems like she should go, meet the president, maybe bring it up. It seems like if we have enough calm rational people in the president’s ear saying the same thing, maybe his eyes can be opened.
No one has ever improved another human being by ignoring them, hating them, or believing they can’t be

Homophobic and bullying in one reply. Congrats!

I love the pile-on in your reply thread, but every retard in here doesn’t know the difference between its and it’s. Pathetic! lol

Is there anything Trump can do that won’t piss off the Left in some way? Besides the wet dream of impeachment/resigning? I love the smell of unbiased news in the morning.
“news” reporters..........

No, it would be criminal for their own children as well. Killing is killing, regardless of relationship, color, education level, age, etc.

So their job should give them less of a voice than you? Maybe next we can tell firemen to shut their holes on things we think they shouldn’t comment on because of what they do for a living.
Yep, a celebrity has more sway, but EVERYONE should be equal in having a voice. There are plenty of celebrities that line up with

Nope. Just the baby in your uterus. lol

Exactly. The Raptor is just an ‘any truck’.

Sincere respect? So sinking to someone’s level is the way to get things done now? It’s strange that we can justify any behavior we want when it’s our own. 

Hey man, I’m just quoting you. “if you can walk on it your car should be able to drive on it”. I’m aware that force and pressure are not the same. 

Sweet, so if I drop my tire pressure to 16psi that means I can run over you and it will be no more harmful than walking on you. If I can walk on you, I should be able to drive on you.......

Yes, all Trump supporters are inherently evil and should be punished/killed as retribution. Fight the good fight brother! Our cause is just and true!

Oh yeah, the mean streets of Grosse Pointe Park, MI. Way to keep it real in that double the median household income of Michigan city. Racism runs rampant against minorities in Michigan. It’s a real race war here for the last 40 years. UGH

So we went from power to racism? Yeah, racism exists. Whites against blacks, blacks against whites, everyone hates everyone and the media feeds that feeling. Cherry picking your stories shows nothing about an imbalance of power (your original comment). White people tend to dominate groups open to everyone. Maybe