
This is a way calmer and more rational comment section than when Kavanaugh was accused of the same. Huh

What a horrible analogy.
Put it this way, if you and I agree not to fuck each other’s mom and I keep fucking your mom on the daily while you sit at home and jerk off alone, should you break our agreement and start fucking my mom or continue to jerk off and maybe watch?

Why are you disturbed by an ingredient that is found naturally in many plants like leafy green vegetables, beets, bell peppers, brown rice, etc?
It’s in drinking water and added to all kinds of foods that you buy at the supermarket. I don’t understand why it’s a concern when taco bell uses it. Hey, I’m no scientist

Why are guns the problem instead of the actual shooter? No one holds them accountable, instead it’s all about how it’s sweet justice because Republicans want gun access to be easy.
What happened to personal responsibility in this country?

I had this exact thing show up on a CarFax for a car I purchased last summer. I was ready to pull the trigger and then saw the mileage discrepancy. Tuns out it was because the car had be in Canada at one point then in the US after that. I thought someone had rolled back the odometer but it was just the lack of obvious

How do you know what stale piss tastes like? Weird.

Never tell me the odds, kid.

Kinda feeling like you’re into pee for some reason....

Not my proudest FAP.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Flying by you with no lights or siren is less alarming? The lights and siren are there to warn you and keep everyone safe. I do believe, but can’t know every ordinance of every county, that police must always use lights and sirens when responding to a call at anything exceeding the current speed limit or laws. There

First world problems I guess.
You’re pushing the key to unlock, you know the reverse lights come on, but the amount of confusion outweighs all benefits. Wow-wee!

If this is a Muslim ban, shouldn’t it include all of the countries that have Muslims in them? At the very least I would think that Indonesia, India, and Egypt would be part of a ban called the “muslim ban”. I feel like this is more of a travel ban from countries identified by the Obama administration as housing and