When asked for a comment on the 40th anniversary of his famous crash, Lauda was quick to place blame on Lewis Hamilton.
When asked for a comment on the 40th anniversary of his famous crash, Lauda was quick to place blame on Lewis Hamilton.
With the Ak Bars hosting, I think the goalie should've known it was a trap.
Working on both the service and sales side of the auto industry, it’s easy to see why people hate cars. They’re noisy, expensive, complicated, and when they fail, it’s always a major inconvenience. When a regular home appliance fails, it’s generally easy to live without for a day or two. When a car fails, you have…
They are eliminating emissions by never actually producing the truck.
Young shouldn’t feel bad. The last scary clown that popped up out of Texas frightened far more people.
Cousins/Andrus ‘16
And here comes David Tracy to save the day!!
Two assistant DAs who successfully prosecuted the Sam Ukwuachu rape case write about how Baylor and Boise State attempted to stymie their efforts.
LS swap!
Stop wasting time and upgrade yo’self:
I feel like Tavarish would do exactly the opposite: “You’ve got a broken car?! I’ll be right over!”
And in the spirit of Top Gear brotherhood...
Five years after the removal of the U.S. military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and allowance of openly gay,…
“Elect a black president and watch the nation get split in two by his administration.”
Olny Breitbrat can tell us truth abt $hillary Rotten Killton, sheeple.
Listen, if caring about our country is a crime, let’s punish Curt Schilling. Also, skip the first half of that sentence.
“Tell me how Trump’s a racist.”
I see they're already regretting the decision to use UFC referees in the Olympics.