Especially given his track record of writing women being raped.
Especially given his track record of writing women being raped.
Though "hoo-hoo" isn't much less ambiguous.
I hereby request a motion that brother Sacrelicious be made known that it can be two things.
I believe he was in a Ken Burns somethingorother.
I am not an AV Club commenter. I may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, an AV Club commenter, but I am not a porn star!
Guess it goes both ways. Makes you wonder how a little freak like that became eligible for an exchange program in the first place.
John Goodman in Barton Fink.
Talk about a massive case of TL;DR
*faints deadaway*
The easy part was getting the brain out. The hard part was getting the brain out.
In the alley by the loading dock.
I heard on The Late Show Podcast that one of Colbert's first gigs was for a short-lived The Onion TV show, and they fired him because his ears weren't symmetrical.
I'm starting to think that Cleveland may not, in fact, rock.
What is her stride mother's opinion on immigration?
It's gonna be a good week for our ol' buddy Cocaine.
A+ header image.
Wolverine is a lifelong Rebublican.
Horribly amusing.
I'd say the same about Ursula, plus she gets one of the best songs in the Disney stable.