Unless you buy it ironically, then you're like a king.
Unless you buy it ironically, then you're like a king.
You could say this about any movie, really.
Hey how come the soldier's American flag patch is backwards?
Let's not go off half-Handcocked.
Don't despair, there will absolutely be a movie in a couple of years. They just have to wait for the tour to make the rounds first.
Cue MRAs pointing to this as proof a gender pay disparity doesn't exist.
I feel like you really missed out on some Photoshop opportunities here, AV Club.
With the expression of, "is…is this where you want me to stand? Here? OK, I'll just stand here, then."
Who needs guns when they have that gay steamroller to literally crush their enemies?
My main question is why there are passwords clearly visible inside the office. If the answer to the question is that people write them on sticky notes next to their monitors, then those people should get fired, not that guy.
I guess the Play60 people can argue it gets kids up and walking around?
They're really pumping out the flamewar fodder recently, aren't they?
Would you prefer pizza rolls instead?
This is how alliances get built.
It is known.
🎵 We are both ventriloquists, ventriloquists, ventriloquists / We are both ventriloquists and we practice every day 🎵
If they put Idiocracy on the list then Kung Pow sure as shit should be there too.
Yeah I've never seen Punch Drunk Love but the main thing I've always heard about it is that it's supposed to be Sandler's first dramatic role.
If you're not a die-hard Anderson fan, The Life Aquatic is probably his most approachable movie after Grand Budapest.