Chicken of Tomorrow

Wow, the other 7 or 8 times this happened the woman just wanted to get away.

I'd re-enact every single scene in Mad Men where they do something that would be unthinkable to a 21st century audience. Like put dry-cleaning bags over their heads and chuck garbage into a city park.

Fantasy titles get short shrift in most marketing areas - the covers are total garbage and the summaries insult the intelligence of every organism in a 3 mile radius.

This is Adam Savage level prop obsession.

Roasting the barley to create a darker color and rich, nutty caramel notes when added during the primary fermentation stage.

I can still eat whole sticks of butter though, right?

Yeah Regal's a pretty big chain across the West.

It's good to be self-aware.

I liked it too. Good voice acting, cool effects, held your attention. I'll totally watch the sequel if they ever make it.

I have grown very fond of Josh Malina in recent years, but I always identify his face with the decline of The West Wing. And the whole Josh/Toby feud was horrible. What moron thought that was a good character arc?

The ending scene with the Townes Van Zandt cover and the quiet rhythm of the bowling alley at night is just beautiful, though. Emphasizes the "life goes on" message.

But the ending does have that cool scene where you see the monster crashing into the sea in the background of the home movie.

Order of the Phoenix is actually my second favorite after Prisoner of Azkaban. It nails Harry being a typical teenager who thinks everything is about him. And it's got a nice mystery with the prophesy and everything.

I've always felt it's unjust that Clancey Brown has never ascended above character actor. He's just so damn enjoyable to watch and (obviously) listen to.

I put it on my to-read list based off of your recommendation, but the first paragraph of the summary does not inspire confidence:

I'm a pretty big Rothfuss defender, but lately it's hard to deny the criticisms: Kvothe is a mary sue, Denna is a manic pixie dreamgirl, the faery fucking is boring. The writing style is just so good though! Rhyming couplets! Come on!

Surprised not to find The West Wing in this list. Once John Goodman signs that document, turn off the TV and never look back, folks.

*shrugs* I like Batman Forever.

Michael Jackson wasn't a spots star, but his trial garnered much the same media frenzy and racial division as OJ. However Jackson's trial didn't take place immediately following a major racial event like the LA riots, so there was less of a sense of scale-balancing as with OJ.

This happened to me at an opera. An opera. Is there no decency?