It turns out it's man!
It turns out it's man!
First person to bitch about historical inaccuracy gets a paddlin'.
This is pretty clever from a marketing perspective. It doesn't have to have anything to do with Disney Princess, but if you put that in the title you're guaranteed an increase in traffic.
It's the story of how that little man was captured and forced to dance unendingly, à la Rite of Spring, to appease the gods of geometry.
That's an interesting story about your sex life, but what does it have to do with Tetris?
Someone should really burn that place down.
This entire movie is a series of Big-Lipped Aligator Moments.
You have no power over me, bulging crotch plate.
I'm not your bud, guy.
That poster is beautiful.
Ha, one of his films was titled Not with My Wife, You Don't!.
Shit, I'll fucking say it: George C. Scott is the best Ebenezer Scrooge ever.
A thing isn't true just because you say it is.
Mars is made of Flamin' Cheetos™, that's why it's red.
Or the jelly bars made out of bugs in Snowpiercer.
Mmmmm…abandoned coke oven.
But…they'll see the big board!
It is a terrible shame that George C. Scott was such a diva and therefore was only hired to make a handful of films, because goddamn could that man bring the thunder.