Chicken of Tomorrow

I didn't even know Scuba was an acronym, so, I win?

I got it and applaud your vision.

The only thing celestials are good for is raising pigs I can feed dead bodies to.

I think it has something to do with Entertainment Weekly specifically. Every set of photos they publish look like plastic technicolor crap.

What if the king of England decides to kick down your door?!

The A.V. Club
Driven to action by the force of sheer stench.

You have sown the wind, Arbys, and now you shall reap the Chicken.

Nobody else appreciates your comment. But I do. I do.

Just to be clear, I'm upvoting your username.


Here, have a 100th upvote.

Break me off a piece of that Kit Harrington bar.

The lesson is: never try.

"Why wouldn't you let me go see West Side Story when I was a kid?"
"Because it's got gangs, that stuff's scary for kids."
"Even gangs that dance?"
"Especially gangs that dance."

The corporate synergy is strong with this one.

"I feel so full of…what's the opposite of snark?"
"No, too far."
"Less snark?"

I had this uneasy feeling throughout the whole scene that the Sparrow was attracted to Margaery, and maybe Margaery could use that to her advantage.

Precision WLTDO strike.

What I noticed about the cold open was the rhythm of the sounds. The blacksmith's hammer strikes the nail four times, then the wooden hammer strikes the post four times at the same tempo, then the ax chops the wood three times, then the brush brushes the pitch three times, all at the same tempo.