
“We don’t rely on the UN militarily”

I understood your comment as questioning why we should care about what the rest of world thinks, not specifically questioning the value or usefulness of the UN Body itself.

Why should we “give a single fuck” about the rest of the planet of people with whom we trade and on whom we rely economically, financially, militarily and in times of crisis?

“If my name was Teddra I’d call the police on my parents for giving me a ridiculous name.”

well he still has a hole, so not all is lost...

Kentucky AND Boston. Really bitch?

The first Moonwalk on film. Amazing. Yes, it is the moonwalk. Back to the topic...

Look, just because a single American, European or Australian man moves to a country notorious as a destination for pedophiles because whatever laws protecting children are few and far between, doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a pedophile.

I think it’ll be very rough going for another auto maker especially a French one; and I question how much profit they’ll make before jumping ship again. The US market is glutted with increasingly indistinguishable SUVs and Crossovers. Except for the Cactus, Citroen would only be adding more of the same to the mix.

I don’t know, there’s a lot of “fuck you” going around thee days but mostly to the wrong people...

Will this void the warranty?

I rather liked it. But I wouldn’t waste it on his face...

Rowland looks classy, elegant and tasteful. Minaj looks like she’s ready to get on the pole...then give back-alley head for $20 a pop.

Sorry, I disagree completely. I’m black and am sensitive to negative imagery and depictions of black people. The artist’s style is to exaggerate prominent facial features...everyone’s features. Some people simply don’t like what they see when Serena’s features get exaggerated because they’re already larger than most.

So much butt hurt. That’s ok bitch, youi’ll manage. These symbols never protected black people, only white people. Black slaves were whipped, hung and sold off from their families with those stars and stripes waving in the wind. Stars and stripes were always flying as the South imposed Jim Crow, Literacy tests, Poll

You do you, do YOU.

Look, Drejka was being an asshole by picking an argument with McGlockton’s girlfriend over her use of the handicap parking which the bitch shouldn’t have been doing anyway.

I love Miami South Beach. Been there several times. Went to Ft. Lauderdale twice and found it racist AF both times. Let me explain: Miami is extremely cosmopolitan with lots of international tourists and world travelers. Lots of Russians, Brits French etc, Ft.Lauderdale sees far a more domestic cro3wd which can be

Last year 50,000 neo-Nazi’s marched in Warsaw Poland...yes, Nazis...72 years after Nazis decimated that Polish capital and permanently stained Poland’s reputation by making it home to some of the worst and most brutal, inhumane concentration camps there.