interesting snowfall, crazy how nature do dat
About tree-fiddy.
Mr. Pagani checking out the car himself before it leaves ... cool.
Not sure why you injected so much of your personal opinion into the article. I think most people can come to that conclusion on their own without you forcing it on them. They should have stopped, they didn't, done, if it really pisses you off that they didn't be subtle about it, blatantly calling someone a coward and…
Oh yes I know. I was lucky enough to mess around with this Akrapovic tuned 1M back in 2012. It was a monster.
Please let it go. People hold their phones in the same way they use them to make calls. This is almost as tired as the whole 'Ferraris catching fire' thing. Although truth be told, if your life is so amazing that this sort of thing is a problem, everything else in your existence must be pretty perfect!
1. Porsche- 2D and 3D config. lots of options to click.
Pretty sure that's a lambo.
In the Miami and Tampa areas there are two facilities that are owned by VAG that do a lot of the preproduction testing on local roads. They do a lot of long haul testing between these two facilities because they are a pretty good distance away from each other and have to cross pretty boring roads (alligator alley)…
Current-gen iDrive. Gorgeous, fast, easy to use, intuitive, great control scheme, great interface (controller + touchpad + hard buttons). I love it.
Zee color temperature of zee lights must be precisely 5100 degeres Kelvin. Zee table clothz must be of zee finest white linen. Zee edges must be square. Vee must play music; zis music must be hip unt cool. Zee hipness to cool ratio must be between 1.7:1. Also, zee Tvitter is imperative. Vee must recieve at least 32…