
Und zee hipsta ah-drei must be in vhite farbe unt must haf ze Audi Doppekupplungsgetriebe. Unt if ze hipstadude buys ze ah-drei, he should get a Deutsche license plate with hiz twitter @name or some cool hashtag.

And Audis.

Now playing

How about little Italian trucks? Introducing you the Piaggio Ape.

Must be shaked well. :O

Ahahaha, now that's a hoonage.

White on white on white. Dem mudflaps. Lexus lights.

She does.

The fuck is this shit.


What's wrong with them, idiot. Move on and focus on the amazing cars above. Jesus Christ. >.<

Would dragon them.

That's just... WTF, dude. -.-

It's going to have a 4 cylinder turbo and some lightweight shit. Read that on Bimmerpost.

And I thought the cover on our 135i was bad. Oh dear, should have bought the 125i instead.

Ze mistake here.

By BBS, right? They look like those.

I thought BBS CH-R's weren't forged?

300 hp is achievable with the N52.

Oh no, it's an auto. Should have gotten the (rare) manual, it's waaaaay better. Really.

The rim on the SLS looks lile it has not been washed since the Stone Age.