
You’re like a walking caricature of SJWs.

Fair enough. My bad.

Nope. They can search you because it’s been deemed reasonable to search people who know they are going to be searched as a condition of voluntarily partaking in air travel which is a convenience. It’s a perfectly legitimate position to argue that no it’s not reasonable, but that determination has been made and

This wasn’t a united airlines flight. It was a skywest flight. Skywest is a regional airline based out of st George Utah that operates flights for delta, united, and America. The plane is painted in United colors but you’ll see in small letters in the side that the plane is actually owned and operated by skywest. The

My pronouns are sir, ser, and your lordship. Address me as such.

Ok budd, the person is obviously ,male with stubble. Do you think people are supposed to know whether it’s a man with a female name and the writer made a mistake, which happens and is fine. Or it’s a guy with a feminine name that also identifies female. Unless you personally know the person how would you know either

Even as a business, you can’t discriminate against your customers, especially “protected classes”, like race, gender, age, or (in some states) sexual orientation.

You can copy and paste it as many times as you like but you’re still not going to convince me that the person in the pictures is a woman. Even if Amanda is a transgender individual, born as a man but now identifying their sex as a woman, he/she is making absolutely no effort at all to physically transition. So maybe a

Constitution doesn’t apply at airports. Note the government agents searching your bags without a warrant.

Well assuming this true....

Once again someone has to explain it because it’s just so hard to read the entire 45 words of the first amendment. For those of you who’ve never read it, here’s the first amendment in it’s entirety.

Isn’t depressing that nobody seems to understand that? IT’S IN THE FIRST WORDS OF THE AMENDMENT: “Congress shall make no law...”

No, and I’m amazed that people still don’t know that.

From what I’ve read, they can kick anyone off that they please, for whatever reason. Burp funny, and you’re off.

Stop limiting Jframe2002's freedom of speech, pinko.

I fail to see where ‘racist’ comes into this in any way. The claim is that it is a comic book themed hat, which I know it is having read that specific comic, but racist? Give me a break.

How? By kicking someone off a plane? It’s a private airline and they are free to impose rules on behaviour (assuming the guy’s story is legit). The freedom of speech only means that the government can’t stifle you from expressing an poinion, not that anyone (airlines included) have to give you a forum to speak.

United Airlines isn’t a government agency, so there’s usually not going to be any First Amendment problem with it limiting passengers’ speech.

I feel bad for making such an irrational suggestion. I am sorry.

I’d recommend waiting for corroboration before condemning anyone.