

I second the counter nomination for "Charges and Specs"

I finally got around to watching Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. The movies were even better than I expected them to be, utterly romantic yet intelligent and thought-provoking. My heart is now fully invested in Celine and Jesse's relationship and sometime in the next few days I'll finish up the trilogy with Before

I really hope the show turns out better than the trailer makes it seem. Milioti is wonderful and Feldman, as Ginsberg, has been hilarious

One of my favorite bits of the night: Don playing solitaire while the computer is being built outside his office… I see what you did there Matt Weiner

So somebody already tried to create a "Fat Dog(phrase)" Wikipedia page but it was taken down on the grounds that it was "Obviously Invented." Come on, its a common phrase! Its not made up, its not made up!

So is Fat Dog going to be the new Streets Ahead?

(Courtesy of some commenter on IGN) Did anyone else notice that the Mother is wearing a name necklace in the opening scene at the other MacLaren's? And that the named on the Necklace starts with an L and looks suspiciously like Leia?

I have no trouble putting S6 in the top half when ranking New Who series and I have even less trouble placing S2 at the very bottom. If I were to list my least favorite episodes of New Who, S2 would have the most representation with Fear Her and The Idiot's Lantern at the very very bottom (I also have no love for

Honestly, the only thing I wanted out of Pierce's bequeathals was Annie finally getting that tiara.