
It sounds like you really need a place to store your sandwiches.

V8 tho? Should have gotten a v12. Seriously looking fwd to reading the articles on this one. Enjoy!

This is great!! (as long as the car is under warranty...)

Non-turning steering wheel hubs freak me out.

(gentle music)

I know we don’t have anything better to do than speculate about the fate of our favorite show, but top gear has gone through a LOT of iterations over time - this will just be another one. Just don’t have any expectations. And hey, if it sucks, we’ll have the amazon show to keep us entertained :)

Self-promotion much?

Pretty sure that’s a lambo dude.


Yay Darwinism!

“You know what you need to do? Get some tampons, drink a bit of cranberry juice, and go see your gynecologist. I think you’re starting to menstruate again.”

That model certainly did.

Option 2. I’d focus on continuing to produce large quantities of mediocre cars for the unwashed masses and be rich enough to buy whatever awesome cars/motorcycles/etc I wanted. Game. Set. Match.

I’d be curious to know if removing the wrap can damage the paint tho?

Best piece of investigative reporting I’ve ever seen on jalopnik.


I have a similar issue with my Ferrari in that there’s nothing that makes me say “I really feel like going somewhere and parking the car in public today.”

10/10 would hoon

Is it kind of scary that they can detonate the airbags via obdII??