
The question. How broken is it right now? Should I get this day 1, or wait for a steam sale/GOTY edition?

infinity blade came out like a year ago o_O.

haha indeed. I do hope the november update makes it somewhat easier to dl in bulk.

Speaking of which, what ever happen to the rest of our ambassador games?

well apparently zelda doesn't have any torch puzzles. They had to use those assets somewhere!

underdog? Are all the trailers and leaked footage and previews well fabricated bullshit that don't reflect the actual game???

have they addressed combat for this game? Never liked Oblivion's combat or the 3rd ones.

I probably don't hate CoD, but i do hate xbl folks with mics. Actually i love going into philosophical debates with them ;)

lol speaking of which, does elite work with the more obscure versions like wii or ds?

Her new look reminds me of that scientist chick from world is not enough. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet ;)

what timing.

hope they get their refund. Not a surprising outcome, but it's still kinda dickish move.

now this does make you think, what other games could have some cool 'bayified' trailers?

Having played the demo, I can safely say, like Zelda, this game looks MUCH better in 3D. It does some neat tricks that only nintendo so far has done (having played most ps3 and nvidia nvision stuff before).

How much longer before 2k's license expires? I would love a nba 2k quality baseball title, but it just doesn't seem like it's ever gonna come.

meh. The impact would be much greater if it didn't look so dated. Instead of feeling shock about the girl, I was shocked at the rather crappy smoke effect.

that's sorta different issue, which is worrying.

meh, people bitching about this must have never tried to play the newest Mortal Kombat online a while back. Was pretty fucked up, with some people having some characters, and what not which screwed up everything.

lol I remember doing something like this for a final project in a design class last semester. Was too lazy to refine it enough to put up on any store though.

Wait, so pc gets all the benefits of 'paid' elite, ie: more detailed stat sheets, and all the dlc?