
justifiable? Probably not. Happens often though. Economy isn't the best. And if you are a first child or had 'old fashion' grandparents and what not. You probably had gotten a spanking here and there.

Prince of Persia was probably one of the best video game films around. Sure it pretty much was pirates of the Caribbean on land, but it was a solid summer flick.

well designed, yes. Doesn't mean their aren't bugs and exploits. Fire Emblem games have some of the most broke ass rng around. Like what the other guy mentioned, mario games have tons of bugs and what not.

haha, computer 101. First thing you do with a software is to look up the keyboard shortcuts ;)


google reader

Yugioh is where it's at these days.

But are they banning gamers online for playing early? Cause why else will you pick this up early? For the story?

not sure if this is 'gorgeous' or not. I'd much prefer HD sprites.

Did they say the same for V though?

I do think it's about time that some site gives a AAA game 0/10 for traffic, yet write a glowing review.

All i remember in 2 was defending a burger king, Ghost dies, and dieing a hell lot outside of the white house.

gotta love the controls.

Meh, wth is privacy these days anyways?

Yeah, coding with an onscreen keyboard... seems like wrong thinking.

was wondering, did activision not get license for the bond theme? Don't remember it being in this or Bloodstone. Bond games MP require it to be blasting 24/7 imo.

only problem I've had was that 64 player is not balanced at all. Also QTEs... seriously.

haha true. The metal band probably ain't helping. I assume the cpu is on the right side which is why that part gets hot. I do wonder if there are cases that are... better with the heat.

Speaking of which, have there ever been women in Call of Duty games? I'm sure there might have been some in 'no russian' sequence, but women do seem to be a rare breed in these games...

Looks kinda like one of those abandoned parks in china or japan. So depressing even if this wasn't north korea.