
here is a better angle from a scan. The hair... it's near perfect!

Need to find out the average size of vita games. Then I will do some math calculations to determine if I should wait to pick one up when memory is cheaper.

I'm pretty sure accuracy is moot in this game, for me at least, thanks to the new suppression system.

Now playing

only video I could find on the tube of this.

Semi off topic question for CS folks.

wikipedia openoffice ;)

if being 2nd place is 'defeated'.

So it doesn't come with any form of memory card out of the box? I recall psp gave you a 20-30mb card at the very least.

No matter what, selling consoles are always the last resort.

Most likely to keep prices down. Batteries aren't cheap. I can easily see a battery packed circle pad pro cost over $50.

Yeah, it's kinda like the bumper for iphone 4.

the irony is that wouldn't the circle pad be more easy to use than a nude 3ds for certain games?

sounds like some video game boss.

lol I'm usually fine with controller as well, but something is off with the stick accelerations and what not for ps3.

At least you can enjoy the visuals!

Yeah yeah yeah, us PC players just got a 'fuck you' from DICE back then. And we don't get no early dlc!

I know... but you can always dream right?

Same thing happened to Mario galaxy 2.

hey, us pc owners are still waiting for that ;)

from what I can tell, BF3 is optimized to use about everything your pc can output. So you pretty much have to play with charger plugged in. And be ready for a pretty damn warm laptop.