I always thought the cpu was more important for frostbite stuff.
I always thought the cpu was more important for frostbite stuff.
Yeah, but something never felt right. And I recall a lot of drama went down with openoffice recently.
I still kinda liked the idea of it being in some other country. Some asian city would be cool, or what that True Crime?
I wish someone would just give out free copies of Office. Still way over priced.
That... is a pretty good way for these fps titles. Heck Call of Duty games have separate exe launchers for SP and MP. Why shouldn't reviewers review each part somewhat separately?
All the reviews seem to point towards that for the SP campaign for BF3. So this is actually a pretty decent guess of BF4 =/
can't wait to read through all the comments on every BF3 review.
ahhh I get it! The difference is that console players have to input the code with the shitty on screen keyboard (if they don't have the keyboard attachment), while most digital pc titles don't require anything and if they do, you can just copy paste the code.
life sure is hard for console folks these days.
Want to see a necromancer panda summoning undead pandas <3
Japan doesn't give a shit about online gaming.
Last time I checked, those were ipad apps, not pc =P
Yelp/ Google places work well where I live.
well, yeah, I got my old 9800gt for that ;P
speaking of rss readers. I notice that ipad has tons of really nice looking rss/google reader apps.
trillian is great except when the servers are down or something that delays messages. They say they are working on a revamp though.
Why are people flipping out about price? This is computer parts we are talking about here.
Odd that Casey didn't touch on the growth of the app stores for both markets, which arguably is the most important aspect.
The question here is if I should play this with all the particles and other garbage flopping around. PhysX stuff from the trailer just seem.... kinda unnecessary.
Better than the goons in Splinter Cell conviction.