
Hah! He probably sees that picture, notices that it is solid white men back to front, and feels satisfaction that everyone is there on merit and hardwork alone. Obviously if there were any women or PoC around that table, it would be because the PC police have spoken and made a fuss, not because they have earned their

Women learn from an early age to value make-up...

My favorite bit is from the end:

Good stuff, thanks for the link! If I were she, I would also be 100% out of fucks, I’d be fucks-free, I’d be fucks-intolerant. It’s great to hear her take the gloves off.

Yeah, it sucks. I think we should probably start writing our congressmen/women to get this travesty corrected.

I’m with you. I wish people on the left would stop bringing up the people who burned\lynched effigies of Obama. That shit was horrific, but unless you specifically say “I was against it when it was done to Obama, and I’m just as against it now,” it sounds like people are trying to excuse Griffin by pointing out an

Yeah of all the faux outrage over this story, the one thing I buy is that Barron has probably seen it.

It’s the only place that I know where you can get chicken and dumplings with your side dish of chicken and dumplings.

In what world does a bottle of decent Scotch cost $20?

No need to ever have a noisy poop again. Just lay a couple sheets of TP in the bowl before you drop a deuce, and it will go in silent like a MI6 agent. Better still, NO SPLASHBACK.

Ted Lieu*. He’s been all over Kushner the last few days.

A coworker of mine has fully mature avocado trees in his back yard, and he complains that 1.) they produce too much, and 2.) he hates avocados. And yet, he does not bring them to work to share. He is literally Hitler right?

Stopped reading at “I like their dumplings.” Their dumpings are GARBAGE. Just tough, chewy wads of dough. That shit should be light and fluffy like God intended.

I went for breakfast once, and it nearly resulted in an email of the week submission. So much grease.

This is Taliessin’s mom with one of the girls who was accosted. Seeing this just broke my heart.

I was going to go with faux outrage about a woman being the one to push him. But having Merkel do it would probably piss him off the most. Photo can carry on.

Riches to prison, the Kushner family legacy continues.