
Just saw this on Twitter:

“Do you realize how angry people have to be to voluntarily go to JFK?”

~ Stephen Colbert

The very fact that you felt you needed to ask that question shows how disturbing and dangerous this whole situation is. I do not have an answer for you but wish you all the best and I hope you can go and see the concert and get home again.

Ha. According to Wikipedia he named his cat Nas, after Nas. That’s cute.

I would have been really screwed if they did this when I was a kid. I grew up in a ranch home and didn’t use stairs regularly until third grade, when I moved up to a school with multiple floors.

I am sorry to inform you that since the 2006 Doctor Who reboot, Daleks can fly....

I have not seen Moonlight but he stole Luke Cage for me. Owned absolutely every scene he was in.

You ever see someone win something and even though you don’t know them you’re so proud of them? That’s me with Mahershala Ali right now.

The atheist equivalent of praying is action.

As a nurse currently working in a dementia unit (aka The Thunderdome; I love it despite getting punched in the boob on day one), I can attest to this. Dementia/Alzheimer’s appears to screw with depth perception. We have black floor mats in front of off-limits doors/areas because our residents tend to see them as a big

Speaking of which, neither Daleks nor Trump are fond of actually using stairs.

Also I need to bring up the fact that Brooks also needed medical attention after because he managed to hit himself in the face on his backswing. It’s the best part.

*grasps desperately for a silver lining* well, at least the enthusiasm for protest didn’t fade after the Women’s March?

I find pence’s views reprehensible, probably more reprehensible than some of Trump’s views even. But I think we’ll be able to fix his damage. Trump is wreaking havok of the very foundations of our democracy, that’s not fixable.

To be fair, railings are the only things skinny enough for him to fully fit his hands around, so its probably the thrill of something novel.

At least in some alternate universe, Hillary is signing orders for refugee settlement, LGBT rights, and starting to push for the ERA again...

I just wish that the Mexican President would agree to a meeting, fly in to Washington, get off the plane, point to the jet and say “That’s how your wall can be defeated”, then turn around and go home.

The asshole to my asshole is fine by me (this needs work)

How else are we going to create Oceania?