
I feel like my husband and I are the only people who regularly think about this show critically who really liked last night’s episode. It wasn’t perfect, there were things I didn’t like, but after an ending that I hated last season I thought it was a solid B episode. B+ at moments. C- at others...

The dinner scene made me so angry! It was such a cheap grab for misery.

My mom and I were watching Fear the Walking Dead a few weeks ago and agreed that we both would’ve killed ourselves the moment we’d realized that life was nothing more than survival anymore. So, pretty damn early on. No way would we subject ourselves to such suffering and terror. And my mom thinks suicide is a mortal

I remember that, Dubya was in a war and always either going on vacation, in the middle of his vacation or getting back from his vacation. He took more days off than Reagan who was shot and had to recover!

I think so. That was such a weird mistake to make in a political speech urging voters to go elect you and then mentioning a date 20 days later.

Right before the debates, when Trump had essentially pulled even, I ranted/pleaded for Hillary to step up her game. I was incredulous that despite her experience and resources, she couldn’t take Trump down. I really thought she and her campaign were blowing it.

This happened to me with my uncle! I was staying with some friends and was getting ready to leave their house to meet another friend at a bar. Suddenly, in the middle of saying goodbye, my chest siezed up and I felt like my heart was going to explode. It lasted for like 15-20 seconds and I was seriously convinced I

I also loved the fact that she addressed that in her closing, so eloquently in fact, by bringing up Kaine’s Jesuit schooling and how they discussed the concept of “magus,” and when she said that even though she was a Methodist, they all shared the same beliefs in faith accompanied by good works, etc.

You know, many people are saying he’s recoiling from the sight of the cross. Actually recoiling from the cross! I wasn’t there, but I can say, there are a lot of crosses, and nosferatus recoil.

“knock knock”

Love the “I’m totally going to be president!” smile. It really completes the look.

That actually was Rudy .

I found myself fondly reminiscing the days when tying your dog in its crate to the roof of your car was an authentic election season scandal. Life was simpler then.

In my head, he’s also in a suit! Let’s throw a puppy in there, too.

That is devastating—I’m so sorry. But as you say, this is EXACTLY why this right cannot be taken away.

When she WORE the flag to these debates: red then blue then white.

My husband was like, “She looks mad.” Me: “You can’t understand the righteous anger of a woman being told what to do with her body.”

Roe v Wade did not make abortion legal; not per se. I’m pro-choice, don’t get me wrong. But SCOTUS did not rule, “abortion is legal.” It ruled that the government cannot control what a person decides to do with their body. That is actually even more significant than just saying “abortion is legal,” and here’s why

Ahh I get it! I’m the same way when it comes to weird conspiracies.

Maybe I’m remembering this wrong, but I feel like my dad may have said something similar about the new vs old? Hmm, maybe they are like Tarot cards — they get stronger the older they are?