
People use “stunning” to describe women of extraordinary beauty, women of all colors btw.

Tilda Swinton always seems to look amazing. <3

I saw an episode of that a few days ago and I was mystified. It looked and sounded, a few topical references aside, like some kind of B-grade syndicated comedy from the mid-80s. Just mind-boggling.


I work in the UK court system, so yes I literally do. 22 life sentences is unprecedented in UK legal history.

Can we contrast the way his parents reacted though with the way that asshole Stanford student’s dad reacted? Originally he was given bail on the condition he stayed with his parents. A day or so after that happened he confessed to his mother that he was guilty. She called the police and basically told them to get him

We should just have white male judges because they never discriminate against anyone.

If he had evidence, his lawyers would have filed a motion for the judge to be removed. They have not submitted such a motion.

Gilbert Grape?

An armed white guy.

That’s just what BIG WHEAT want you to think.

When I order pizza (maybe once every 2-3 months), I usually only eat 2-3 pieces (half Joe’s/half Marilyn’s, usually on a Sunday night), and then it just sits in my fridge until I throw it away — a total waste! So, this past year, I started saving it for my neighbor(s), and giving it to him the following morning before

Heh. It’s so funny you said that because I was just looking at a new bra the other day and thinking, “Bet I could get away with wearing this as a bikini top”!

Yes. My cousin was brutally stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend while she cowered in the closet trying to hide from him. We all would have loved to have wrung his neck with our own bare hands. But that is why the courts had to take care of it- not us.

So many reasons it could be even better this time around- tiki torches! Opportunity for tropical adult beverages!

I get that vibe too. Especially when she’s trying to wear something edgy, it just comes off as a little bit boring.

I feel that way about A LOT of pop songs, actually. Like, I love “Blurred Lines” - great beat for my running play list. But I can’t get a good tempo on my runs while I’m cringing at lines like “what rhymes with hug me?”

They need to do a lyric-less version of pop songs. Like Kidz Bop, but just remove the lyrics

I spent 20 minutes trying to make a high score play off the word Haze last night in WWF, and it made me remember Chet Haze and think “I wonder how Chet is doing...wonder if he is still in rehab...” So I sort of feel like I somehow summoned him back into existence and I apologize.

It’s infantilizing. Optimistic and kind hearted are wonderful qualities in a person. “Innocent” implies she doesn’t understand the world around her and, in this case, relationships. Children are “innocent” in that sense of the word. Grown women are not.