
Sure, while maybe the new “hot” dog, still not a sandwich.

Drunken noodles is my soulmate (although the massaman curry was also banging). Also, yeah, I am you and we’re watching a pbs documentary on The Poisoner’s Handbook tonight. Shit’s gonna be lit.

I love this story! I was saved by my consierge checking on me and calling 911 a few years back. I used to walk by her to use the gym every morning at the same time. On the 3rd day that I didn’t show she came looking for me. I had a bad reaction to new medication and was completely out of it. I had a very serious

Yeah, I just figured they thought we were stupid. I mean, how hard is it to wash a Clydesdale and funnel the runoff into a bottle?

yeh I was wondering why her hair was so, WAY different

That is not ‘photoshopped’, that shit is a body double

There’s a tiny 8oz can of Bud in the back of my fridge that someone left at my house last summer. Sometimes, when I’m drunk, I like to take it out and yell at it about what a disappointment it is to the other beers.

Pandering... or brilliant trolling.

If you use the term “females” instead of “women,” you’re probably sexist.

Sandberg is generally a very aware woman. She “got” it before, but did not have the right to say she gets it until now. Not that it’s a right anyone wants, but it’s one thing to claim you get it and a whole different ballgame to actually live it.

Oh great. Now he’ll never be able to get a job.

Because he was diagnosed with Alzheimers soon after leaving office, and used it as his defense for Iran-Contra?

I assume Ryker wears jersey #1?

I prefer her to the rest of the Republicans. She has actually said nice things about Hillary Clinton and while she’s pro-life, she calls Republicans out on the hypocrisy of not supporting comprehensive sex ed or acessible birth control. She is also hugely supportive of LGBT issues, and against that Arizona immigration

One would think a super patriotic Republican would know that using the flag as an article of clothing violates the Code of Flag Etiquette.

I once had to go to the principal’s office because I fed my Tomogatchi during math class and it beeped. Worth it. I’m a good e-mom. Like i’d let me child sit in its poo and not eat. Ms. Kay you never understood that did you? did. you.

The Rasmussen poll is a national poll. It gauges national sentiment. Because Presidents are not elected by the national popular vote, it’s worthless as a predictor of the general election.

I know a lot of former Ron Paul supporters who jumped to Bernie’s ship and now are headed for Trump. There’s a certain subset of young white men who are disaffected and want change (but can’t really articulate what that exactly means for them) and there are lots of them who flock to Reddit. I’m sure if you asked them