
Outside of terrifying things (war, alien invasion, etc), this is the only possible scenario I could see unifying us until everyone 50+ years old currently is gone.

Same here!

I was just telling a friend the same thing. No woman who dislikes being in the presence of her husband is going to call him “hubsie”. The woman likes being with him, even if part of the reason she likes being with him is fame, fortune, and power.

I had an Etsy order that required a 7 x 7 x 7 box.

It was something like $6.50 to ship with USPS.
Something like $11 to ship with UPS.
But it was over $25 to ship Fedex.

Hard same. (And depending on what time of the year it is: QVC. My mom is hooked on QVC, even though half the time she’s wondering why the hell anyone would buy 50 large cellophane bags meant for housing monster-sized Christmas presents. “Where are these people putting them all?! You aren’t going to use fifty of them

I’m going to pretend that’s the case because it makes me feel a bit better about it.

I realized last night that I forgot to mention what...might be even worse.

Yeah, I wish that was the case. That would be acceptable.

Oh, same. I could sense Karamo’s fear, most of the guys seemed truly on edge, but it also felt SO FAKE. I think part of it was the camera angle from the side of the road. It just cried “we’re all in on this joke!”

ALL three of my best friends add greek yogurt to guac (and one of them is a trained chef!). They love it so much that I know that if I ever brought NORMAL, PROPER guacamole to a function they’d be mad at me for not including the greek yogurt.

*raises hand*

Maddow’s been keeping a running body count.

I agree with you, but I think for many people who don’t pay quite as much attention to the entirety of the administration, DeVos is part of something they see on a daily basis: the education of their children. They actively see the battered textbooks and the dismantled arts programs and the dismal system-wide test

I am also one of these people. I was shocked to find it wasn’t polonium, but then it immediately hit me that they would want to do something different from the last time so it doesn’t immediately jump straight to pointing fingers with “Russia did it”.

I have not had this thought before but by god, it is glorious and I will use it when I need to go to my happy place.

There’s even more than that! From Maddow:

There was also that tidbit that he refused to eat at a restaurant in his DC hotel becauseeeee:

Every international Netflix show I have personally seen has been in the language of the country in which the show was made.

Holy shit, I love you for this. It’s perfect.

I saw another mention somewhere of a teacher saying they didn’t want to be the one seen holding a gun when the SWAT team arrives. It’s something I did not think of before. This would absolutely be a problem.