It’s probably that.
It’s probably that.
Well, she didn’t have work done to the length of the neck.
Empty whiskey bottle, though. That part is important.
Uh, her neck looks weird, too. I didn’t notice until this visit just how long it is in comparison to her face.
This whole thing is beautiful, but Crust McAllison just made me burst out a “HA!” in a silent office. Thankfully, everyone has their headphones on and likely did not hear me.
My boyfriend introduced me to Premier League darts a couple months ago. I was absolutely baffled by how much pageantry and excitement there was for darts.
Oooh. I’m gonna start using CINO. I live in a very white, very Christian midwestern city, and many people fall under “Christian in Name Only”.
I saw a tweet yesterday that pointed out Comey’s height, Trump’s height, and Lieberman’s height (I think he’s 5'9"). It read something like “Could his reasoning really be this simple?!”
Because of the constant stream of Trumpian news this week, I’ve been refreshing the Guardian all day.
From a speech he just gave to Coast Guard graduates this morning:
I just pictured you whacking her head beneath the soil with a giant plastic mallet, like a human whack-a-mole.
This is an absolutely perfect description of him. 💯
I feel that way about the Loaded Baked Potato Ruffles.
I get irrationally upset when I see people spell it as “woah”. It’s probably a top five pet peeve for me, and I don’t understand why it upsets me so much.
You take that back! Cheesy Garlic Bread was amazing.
I never had the pickle popcorn, but I have had the Dill Pickle Lays. I gasped when I read your comment as I would be amiss without the pickle chips. My condolences.
As someone who lost her favorite chip (one of the Lay’s Pick Your Flavor winners of several years ago, Cheesy Garlic Bread, which they kept on the roster for a good couple years), I can relate to your pain.
I feel like we need to keep a running list, or someone (many someones, likely) will be forgotten by the time this is all said and done. There are far too many career casualties for a four-month-old administration.
Do not besmirch grapefruit like that. Poor grapefruits!
I’ll definitely tell her about it! Thanks!