
It’s not unusual to be in love with Chex Mix.

Folks, please do not follow his example. If you are approached by a wild bag of Chex Mix in a national park, DO NOT TOUCH THE WILD BAG OF SNACKS. I wouldn’t doubt that after these pictures were taken, park rangers had to be called in to put down these adorable and noble and delicious creatures.

Hands down one of the worst movies ever!

This story has me stumped

Vogue really went out on limb with this campaign.

I suppose that’s better than the original Blair Witch making me never, ever want to waste money on a movie again.

Yeah! Where are you ever going to find real disabled people? Do they even make real disabled people anymore?

Counterpoint: the Elon story is A++++++!!!

“Hope Solo’s autobiography “A Solo Career: There may be no I in Team but there damn sure is a M and E in team” Sold where ever Waldenbooks are sold.

I guffawed.

For his new series “Jordan’s first time watching....” and then you fill in the sport.


It’s like Halle said “You know my movie The Call? Let’s just do that again but this time not have me sitting on the phone for most of the movie. Also, nobody cares if some basic girl like Abigail Breslin is kidnapped, so let’s make it a younger, cute as hell boy. He can be my kid so I have more opportunities to scream

I many people look at posts such as the one above of Kylie (possibly wearing something from her collaboration with Puma?) and not know that they’re sponsored content? Does Kendall really need to tag her Estee Lauder stuff with #ad? How different is this from a model posting a shot from a print ad campaign?

I can’t be the only one who was hoping Vin’s daughter’s new word was “candy-asses”.

It’s called a video selfie. And chill out. I had this attitude and my sister straight schooled me. Life is indeed more fun when spend less time judging the crap out of other women for petty-ass shit.

it’s been done.

Zambillion Little Pieces.

Axe + vagina = keeper.