Ageism concerns aside, Melanie Griffith has never been in the same room as an extraordinary actress.
Ageism concerns aside, Melanie Griffith has never been in the same room as an extraordinary actress.
It is when one halves the stock value, fires 30,000 workers and is fired. Going from secretary to CEO is impressive, but being fired is called failing.
Rob Kardashian
Fiorina is an idiot, but she’s not wrong.
I live in Chicago, the city where the mayor told the leads of the black community if riots took place (riots compared to protests) there would be consequences for those communities. Where are the consequences for these people? I appreciate the word art (I enjoyed “dorks in their best Sunday camo”), but they are armed…
Yeah, this isn’t cute. I mean, are they cartoonishly stupid? Yes. Have 2/3s of them fingered a cousin or two? Undoubtedly. But considering that arabic people get insulted in public and harassed across this country for the presumption that they’re terrorist and that black people, sorry, black children, get shot while…
They don’t want a fight.
But these events don’t exist in a vacuum. This type of action and the way the FBI chooses to respond to it is going to affect how people think and act. This could inspire and justify more seizures of property in the minds of extremists in this country. Shrugging it off is to miss the big-picture implications.
This is an armed occupation of a government building! Please tell me in what way this would NOT be considered terrorism when done on American soil. I get it, I might have a skewed opinion being a PoC in America...but why are the kid gloves on when whites do terrible things but non-white get called everything under the…
Please don’t try and downplay what these terrorist are doing.
Yours *detaches*?
From the bits and pieces we already know of the women’s testimony, she’s not only complicit in a “Look the other way” sense, but materially complicit: she was there when some of these alleged incidents began - creating a sense of safety that would inevitably make someone lower their natural guard - and then left once…
Personally I find it odd that so far every single Miss Universe has come from Earth.
“Wow, what is in that cup?” Anderson asked quietly.
Not that this is particularly important, but Kanye isn’t taking a shot a Drake here. He’s claiming that, if it weren’t for the Jordan brand’s collaboration with Drake, Nike would have made little impact on sneaker culture this year. When he says “Yeezy just jumped over Jumpman,” he’s boasting that his collaboration…
It seems very obvious to me that he was criticizing Bill Cosby.
Kayne’s a rapper and Bill Cosby thinks that they’re the scourge of society.
Was it an appeal for compassion? I listened to it and thought he was criticising both Cosby and Harvey. I could be wrong, though.
Yeah especially if she had something sugary for breakfast and that’s all she’s eaten. That always made me pass out when I was pregnant. You eat a little muffin or something, forget about it, next thing you know you’re out and about and having a fainting spell.