Chi City Beef

I must reply this video. I am not from USA or big college basketball fan but you all know I am big regular basketball fan. I want to give my regards to the Northern Iowa on a great team. May you gentleman gain the strength to carry on to more victories. In particular I hope you gentleman get pleasures tonight from the

I thought this was maybe video from inside the courtroom.

You know you are getting old when you attempt this at the county fair to impress your unimpressed girlfriend and then you can’t comb your hair the next day. #RotatorCuffsMatter

Now playing

Mutant throw video time! Kevin Kiermaier breaking 100 mph in game!

The Yankees outlawed this drill when the nets weren’t high enough to keep Johnny Damon from scuffing the drywall

You do know you’re probably going to Hell for that, right?

I'm guessing if they can't find him he was probably an eligible lineman.

his 14-year-old son, Drake

Please also include the unnecessarily click-bait headline that, while it comes under the bad writing complaint, is terrible enough to get its own bullet point.

This is dumb for 6 reasons:

the sodium strips the oxygen off of the water molecules, which leads to forming a bunch of hydrogen gas in the area. which then gets ignited by the burning sodium, and combines with the oxygen in the atmosphere.

We stole a brick of sodium in highschool. It was 10-11 lbs. Tossed it off a dock. Sorry canoe owner.

If ever there was a time for a cop to fucking off someone it was here.

Well, you just praised him on the line above, so, there’s that.

Well done, Sir!

that one was fake because he’s not a wrestler. all the other stunners are real and the wrestlers can’t do anything about it. it’s a fucked up business

Yeah, just ask Donald Drumpf!

I agree with you on the over-excitement except that those punches are 50% landing. They are making contact, just that as professionals, they know how to deliver a 50% punch that looks 100% and take a 50% punch and make it look 150%. I remember Bill Goldberg and Brandon Fraser did a movie together and Fraser basically

Only the coolest of guys will go up to random kids they don't know at Buffalo Wild Wings and drink with them.