
Don’t you mean “you’reself”?

I used to drive tractors as part of my living on the ranch. All you have mentioned is true. There really needs to be a person there to monitor things. In theory, from a nice office cubicle in New York City or Silicon Valley, it sounds pretty easy.

You forgot to mention UGLY and STYLE-LESS.

Are you shitting me? An old Type 3?

I almost always liked Massa. And now that Schumi is out of it, I like Massa more. Back in the day at Ferrari, Massa could be a bit of a whiner. But then again, when you race you want to win, and when your whole team is geared to get the other guy his wins, it would be hugely frustrating. Not sure how Barrichello dealt

Ground effect is a little more complex than that. True, a standard definition would be as you rwote it — for fixed-wing aircraft. What about helicopters? Their chord is sometimes only 6-8 inches on a main rotor blade. Yet they can fly in ground effect to fairly high altitudes.

GM is “too big to fail” so the courts will rule in their favor. Does anyone doubt this?

I think the woman must be Italian.

That 850 most likely has the optional Campagnolo wheels that sold for lots of Fiats (and any other car they could fit them to) as aftermarket wheels to make it look cool and, clearly, go faster.

Where is the modern day Malcolm Smith?

Thank goodness I didn’t buy one! Whew!

Raise the barn or lower the mule. Old story.

IKR? What the hell was he thinking? Or was he asleep? Dumb.

Flying in the air has a lot fewer obstacles than driving on the road. Frankly, airplanes cannot auto-taxi, which is what we’re asking these cars to do.

How about Going to the Sun in Glacier Park? Now there’s a test. I don’t think I’d want to be riding in that car when it went through the guardrail. No, I don’t think so at all.

I grew up driving Highway 93 and I concur with your assessment that it would be the ultimate. Especially south of Hamilton heading towards Idaho.

“The Corvette, though, has stayed in essentially the same enthusiast/attention-seeking/midlife crisis sportscar niche since it began...” spare me the passive aggressive BS about attention cars. I have a Corvette because I love to drive hard. If all you see is a midlife crisis, you have a narrow view of automotive