
Stop trying to use meme arrows outside of 4chan, 8chan, 2chan or any chan related board.

I didn't pick up on that at all, and I normally leap at any possibility of autism. Pearl is a much better depiction of ASD on SU, so I don't think that claiming Onion is a poor representation of autism is a fair accusation when the crew know how to code autism well.

How the turn tables

Maybe I wasn't clear, but I mean that the aging plots suit Jeff better.

Frankie isn't inter-Chang-able with Shirley, that's not my point, but she fulfills a similar role. Her sister is roughly analogous to Shirley's kids, her drive and financial ability mirrors Shirley's Sandwiches. She isn't exactly the same by any means, but she does fill some of the same role

everyone admires my balls, i'm told they're prominent

I don't even know if any of them are essential, all I'm saying is that the show wasn't hurt by the losses because those particular characters had been used up storyline wise, or had become phoned in. Like, I honestly think losing Alison wouldn't have been that bad either. Annie hasn't been a clear character since S1.

Since I've been rewatching Community from the start, I've been thinking about the cast changes. I've come to the conclusion that they are, in the long run, for the better.

It's actually spelt 'Warwilf'.

The problem is with Annie-Kim is that she doesn't really function as a mirror because she isn't given any character traits except 'driven' and 'bitchy'. Annie's a lot more complex than that, and she doesn't have half the traits Annie-Kim has. So, we end up with a lesser Jeremy from Debate 109 that somehow causes Annie

I disagree with your S5-6 policy, but I do agree with your ranking Geography low policy.

She's strangely back to normal once S4 starts, and it's the one area that the show actually improved on during the gas leak year. She works pretty well in S5 too, excluding the finale, and the back half of S6. It's just S3 that's a weird anomaly.

And also Annie is way out of character, the main plot is just Debate 109 with worse pacing, and Chang as a security guard.

Yeah, but it's the start of the decline of Britta's character into someone who is completely self obsessed instead of someone who cares for everyone but can only filter it through her own experience.

I'm rewatching Community and I'm at the start of S3. Geography of Global Conflict is strong contender for worst episode of all time, I forgot about this one.

Idk which of those two options I hate more.

Aww, I hoped for something gayer.

Wait, they cast Marisa Tomei to play Aunt May? Like, I know she's 50 but she looks far too young for the role.

So, y'all want to do a movie of the week to honour the dissolve?

Not much. They stated individualism to be an unalienable good and depicted collectivism as the same thing as conformism.