Dead and kinda racist?
Dead and kinda racist?
Iambic Pentameter is quite easy.
It mimics natural English speech well,
Which is probably why it is so
Common in conversational pieces.
C for me. When it worked, it worked, but a lot of the jokes were underbaked (especially the crack at Will Graham which just sort of stopped), or were editted wierdly (the Dean reacts to the fake butt line for a frame or two too long, then the scene cuts away), or were bad on a conceptual level (Troy slaps Starburns…
The Crossing. Into Vaginas. By guns?
I still like the old Colts 40.-44. If that wont stop them you'd better thrown the thing down and take off runnin. I like the old Winchester model 97. I like that it's got a hammer. I dont like hunting for the safety on a gun.
Im gonna send ej this
I've seen plenty of gay guys who are outright homophobic and who hate anything that can be read as openly queer - I've legit seen gay guys complain that camp and femme queer people are ruining it for the rest of the LGBTIA community, to which I reply fuck off.
Homophobia isn't limited to straight people, just like…
The Beasties saturation bombed the polls, since it allowed everyone to vote multiple times.
That's actually worse than I remember. Everytime he begins a point he goes off on a tangent just to be snarky, insisting that people that like things he doesn't are braindead doesn't help his case. His review reads like Holden Caulfied's, but somehow more irritating.
He also has an infuriating relationship with…
Also he's a terrible writer; his Toy Story 3 review (unfortunately no longer available, but he did write that TS3 explores similar themes as Transformers 2 but with a lesser degree of opulance) is one of the most inane pieces of criticism written.
I'm only mad because the Beasties are disgracing the memory of Adam Yauch; and they're openly admitting to cheating the polls in the comments.
Dear God, they call themselves Beasties.
DRINKING! He was good at drinking.
Late, but Moffat's been planning on writing about the Doctor's name and identity since at least the 1990s. He posted stuff on rec.arts.drwho speculating about the meaning of Doctor as a name and how the Doctor affects the meaning of the word doctor.
It's weird, because Moffat deconstucted that in Doctor Who, showing the Doctor to be a psychologically harmful presence at times, but now he's brought it back in a big way in Sherlock S3.
As far as I know nothing's confirmed. If they are, I'd rather Moffat stepped down. I'm sick of him.
And I don't think E2 is any better than E1, it had better moments, but it definitely held together a lot worse.
Sherlock is inexplicably awful this season, with a forgotten sense of pace, a disastrous lack of mystery, and a flawed concept (a character based dramedy, using the flattest characters in big budget TV at the moment). It's Episodes Stolen From Tumblr: The Series.
That doesn't make him African-American, is my point.
Simpson killed people, probably, but also he maybe didn't?