
Personal time-lines are separate from the universal time-line. Time Travellers can live through moments that only happened for them but happened differently for the rest of the universe.

I hated it. Genuinely think it's in the bottom ten episodes of the New Series. It's only better than The End of Time because it wasn't three hours of awfulness, but only one. Too many empty references to past episodes that were just crammed in their without thought. It utilised the iconography of eleven because it was

Singing the Indiana Jones theme during oral is a holiday tradition!

People go at different paces, don't sweat it. They could come around, if they are still unsure this time next year, it might be a problem.

As far as I'm aware, you are very much an outlier.

Getting super obscure, but Jose Ortiz just died of a heart attack.


You know full well what that line is.

Check out Philip Sandifer's analysis of The Name of the Doctor, he's played flatly because the character is supposed to be in order to work within the narrative. It's all very clever. (IIRC you follow his work, so this might be irrelevant).

Transformers 2 is worse, though.

Most Underrated: 1. Pacific Rim

Odd, we've six Chinese places, one Thai place, three pizza places, one non pizza Italian (that also does Italian), fish and chips, and two Indian places.

Spread vaginas?

Nah, Alana is too hot headed (and kind of stupid) to be in deep cover, the Agent is just trying to introduce doubt. Also, holy hell I love The Brand. I've no idea why, but I already do. I've cast her in my head as Saga's John Constantine.

I really don't have time to review everything this week: but Saga, East of West, Adventure Time, Red Sonja, Thor, Daredevil and even Young Avengers rocked this week. What a high for the year to go out on.

Your mother, I presume?

Time travel. 11 has the memory of this, he can set it up later. Or the moment pulled them through time. Or TARDIS did it.

Yeah, that's because most fans realise that it's actually pretty anti-upper class.

They wrote "classist", though.

Are you serious? That stuff all happened before the Time War.