She was one of the highlights of the movie,
She was one of the highlights of the movie,
Because Suicide Squad had good trailers, too.
Because the DCEU doesn’t have a track record that inspires confidence, and Zack “Considers himself an artiste while making generic superhero movies” Snyder is still involved in Wonder Woman’s production in an unknown capacity.
Because Gadot felt very wooden in the role in BvS. She was stiff, and only came alive when the character showed a bloodthirsty streak in the final battle, which was worrying.
I much as I want to be excited for it I can’t help but think... fool me thrice...
“ and there are a lot of things missing from it. Mostly, it seems like a lot of detail about the beginning and then some very vague generalities.”
People at Comic-con said they saw Surtur footage.
But if you don’t think there are significant race issues with Iron Fist, well, just be happy your man won in November.
Whoa there. That is a nasty fucking dig. There isn’t a race issue with Iron Fist. It was a non-issue turned into an issue by the blogosphere. Supporting a lead that matches the source doesn’t equate to anyone being a fucking Trump voter. Way to be a divisive dick though.
I’ll believe the hate when I see it. That smear post stinks of “White, male lead = bad” rhetoric.
Here’s a featurette inviting you to meet Colleen Wing, who is easily the best part of the show.
That’s a much better take than just calling it “mind-boggingly offensive”. What has bothered me about this from the beginning is the virulent response to CULTURAL APPROPRIATION because a white guy learned Kung Fu and got really good at it. It would be a much more original and interesting story in 2017 to show a…
Owning a dojo and being Asian does not qualify you as a grand-master of martial arts. It just means you can afford a dojo and your parent/s were Asian.
James, your penultimate paragraph is problematic. I understand the argument you want to make, but the way it is written implies that all people who are of Asian heritage are automatically masters of martial arts. That’s cultural essentialism and is wrong.
I mean, that is the character.
It’s not the only time the show goes out of the way at how much better at martial arts Danny purportedly is than the many Asian people he is surrounded by, and if it weren’t so mind-bogglingly offensive it’d almost be hilarious.
Why is it “mind-bogglingly offensive” that the series take care to show Rand is better than the Asians (or everyone else, for that matter) at martial arts? Isn’t that, like, the premise of the show? He’s the best?
Except, you know, they did change genders and the race of characters beyond the Ancient One. The vocal PC crew sees Tilda and throws a hissy fit about “whitewashing” while willfully completely ignoring that she is a woman and avoids the Asian master trope. They also ignore that Baron Mordo is being played by a black…
Blunt or Dormer would be perfect, but I’d say Blunt just edges her out. Dormer tends to over-accentuate her American-English just a bit too much (As seen in Elementary).
Open and shut case, Johnson!