Too bad you’re an idiot. That’s not how that works.
Too bad you’re an idiot. That’s not how that works.
Agreed. The only part I’m lost on is the one where a woman who spends $66 million on jewelry is a good person and that immigrants are poor and lazy
You jest. But the more we take from good people like this and give to poor lazy immigrants, the less she has to invest in half a dozen small businesses and nonprofits aimed at getting people into the work force and feeding their poor lazy immigrant family. Teach-a-man (or woman I’m hip like that) to fish and all that.
“British heiress, model, socialite, and daughter of former Formula One chief gargoyle Bernie Ecclestone Tamara Ecclestone reported a large amount of expensive jewelry stolen from her home in London last week. No arrests have been made yet.”
The “thieves” are just opening up the faucet of trickle-down economics
ThE UlTrA wEaLtHy ArE JoB CrEaToRs!
If I had Fuck You money and wanted a Nissan, it would be an imported R32 with >$100k under the hood. Or just flat out buy one that raced and put it on display in my house for the next coke party.
Apparently they can’t even sell them new for a million. I’m not sure that bodes well for value retention 5 years down the line.
Porsche can pull this kind of shit, but Nissan ain’t Porsche and nobody want to spend a mil to deal with a Nissan interior. And lol collectible. Who the hell is collecting Nissans?
Busso V6 is actually a very reliable engine. They just need timely (pun) timing belt changes and the usual upkeep as age becomes a factor. I used to daily mine as a student back then.
This is automotive nirvana. Hear me out. I used to have the same car, same color, 5 speed, same wheels etc. It might be FWD, but I’d be lying If I said It didn’t drive beautiful. While It is true that you MUST own an Alfa (older one) to be considered a true petrolhead, the 164 is a great compromise between old and…
Yea, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Alfa Owner here: If you are trying to daily a 30+ year old Alfa, yes, it might drive you nuts (although a well sorted twin-cam powered car is actually quite reliable). But they are tons of fun as a weekend car for someone who likes wrenching from time to time. Don’t buy one if you plan to head over to Jiffy lube for…
It’s very much a niche vehicle, but there are very few well sorted ones left. $5k is a pretty reasonable estimate for what a clean one should go for.
Same. For $5k it would be worth the risk to listen to that motor twice a month.
What the hell, Nice Enough Price!
That’s your reason?