
In Russia, car steers you

You met the same chick on Tinder?

Yes, books are bad.

Not all heroes wear capes, son.

It moved a bit when I saw this.

You’ll be hard pressed to find a pretty car with cool-opening doors for $60k.

Probably the one with the least talent, forcing them to throw in some colorful language to hide that fact.

Duct tape said baby to cage. 

Not all heroes wear capes, son.

I REALLY miss hide away headlights. :(

It already looks dated IMHO.

Not uncommon :(

Do all of these people hating on trucks never have yard work to do, have moving boxes to haul, or have large appliances or lumber to get home?

The LR is/was a 2 door which very much impeded access to the rear seats which definitely takes the "U" out of the acronym.

You’d be a scemo if you think this isn’t a deal.

Again with the crimp???? 

The lack of advertising and generally getting the word out about when/where/how to watch it is baffling.  

This is a nice father and son (or daughter) project.

I had one of these as a company car in 05/06...It was really “meh” at best. It didn’t do anything wrongly, but didn’t do anything that greatly either.